Sunday, October 30, 2011

What the ****, NYU type people...

If anyone watches Philly D, you'd get the title. If not, then I'd recomend you go give Philip Defranco (on YouTube) a shot.

Anywho, going under an alias, not sure if I want to share personal info and have it linked back to me. But generally I just wanted a place to shoot out my thoughts. At the moment, I'm in a community college, a youth group leader at my church, a for serious girlfriend for a long time, and a bunch of other things. And at the moment is, I'm going through a change. What kind of change? I dunno.

But I know, sorta trying hard leaves you just short enough of something amazing.

This is where I'm at now. See, I want to go to Cooper Union (NYU) for chemical engineering. OR, Tulsa University for their Cyber Corps program for forensics (the boyfriend lives in Oklahoma). And while I've always had a 90 average in high school without trying, and while I've had about fifty dollars in the bank but a new laptop and old iPhone, and I weigh just enough to be healthyish, and my relationship with God is average at best,... there's a lit of just enough's going on here, and getting by's and I'm tired of that.

I want something amazing. In fact, I damn near crave it.

So I'm making a list of things I need to do. I like lists, by the way.

  • Being to spend time with God. Really try. (This wasn't even the first thing on my mind, but as someone who is Christian and knows better, that's gotta change; this is a personal thing, please, spare me the hate mail).
  • Work hard at the gym, go past my comfort zone, go past the minimum. Get some kind of organized plan going there.
  • Actually study for the SATs, (I'm re-taking them). 
  • Do my absolute best in school, not just good enough for a B+
  • Make time for my friends, don't let a busy schedule get in the way. And make time for the boyfriend, cause he's my best friend. 
  • Be healthy, and make time to focus on my appearance. Not every day can be a chill day.
Anywho this is it for now, got homework to do and a headache to kill.

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